My Top Tips To Getting More Instagram Followers For Your Band

Over the years I’ve been asked what my #1 tip is for getting more fans or now that the age of social media has blossomed followers and listens. 

Well it has nothing to do with hashtags, posting at the right time, or buying fake followers. I’m here to tell you that it’s all about being CONSISTENT. 

The reason this is my #1 tip is because when it all comes down to it, putting out content that embodies your bands credo will beat any strategy out there. Every strategy in the world can be copied and replicated if you are willing to put in the work, but who you are as a band is unique. Whether you are trying to get followers, fans, listens or all three, the way you play is like no one else!

Are you ready to be consistent? Awesome! Then here are a few things you should do...

  1. Before you can start building a strategy to be consistent, you want to make sure you have a great account. Make sure you have a logo, a way to contact you for possible gigs, your genre, your city and state, and of course a link to your music.

  2. In almost any type of social media marketing (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.) you have to have a strategy. Consistently putting in the work isn’t enough when you content is a mess and possible fans can’t tell you from another band. So, you need to know when you are going to post, what you are going to post, your call to action (aka what you want the people that see your post to do), and the goal of the post (more followers, likes, shares, listens etc.).

  3. Now it’s time to decide where to target to get a larger fan base. If you are an influencer, you have the freedom to target anyone, yeah for you, but if you are not. You have to decide who you want to get followers from. I recommend bloggers that talk a lot about your genre, their following will probably be very interested in a growing band, if you consistent interact with them they will start to notice your account and your musical content!

  4. Don’t stop there, make sure you find a few “shoutout accounts” in your area. In short, these are accounts that have high follower counts, but they don’t post their own content. Instead they post shout-outs to fellow users. That’s where you come in. There are accounts that post shout-outs, and if you contact them via direct message, ask if you could get a shout out for a new release or upcoming show!

There you have it, the truth is that getting more followers is not complicated. This process takes time and it takes a lot of work. But if you are willing to be consistent you will get there.


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