What Are Some Unusual Questions to Ask a Band at a Meet-and-Greet?

Meeting a band, in general, can be overwhelming and a bit frightening. “What do I ask?” “How do I behave?” “Who do I ask first?” And dozens of other questions might be popping up in your mind before a long-awaiting meet-and-greet. Well, a no-no is to scream and ask them to sign your bra or something else.

Okay, so, small chit-chat will not hurt anyone. Thank them for the show, express your true colors regarding their music and creativity, ask them how they are doing, what they are up to, and other related questions to break the ice. But don’t make it too long, as you don’t have much time, anyway. 

Remember: the key to a two-sided and engaging conversation is great questions. But, a question must be asked with curiosity to have its true effect. Don’t be weird. Just stay calm and cool. You got this!

So, what are some unusual questions to ask a band at a meet-and-greet?

  1. Ask the band about a story behind one of their songs, unless they announced it already upon song/album release.

  2. Ask (politely) about their background, where they come from, and what has brought them together. 

  3. You might want to ask kindly why they chose the specific name for their band. Is there a meaning, a secret, a twisted side?

  4. Ask about their hobbies and passion, regardless of music — sort of friendly interaction.

  5. You might want to ask what their professions would be if not music and fame. 

  6. Ask them how they cope with their crazy schedule and hustle lifestyle due to performances, constant work, and tours. 

  7. Ask them about the sacrifices they’ve made and if they regret something after choosing such a career.

  8. You might want to ask where they find inspiration for their songs and music.

  9. Ask them what they like the most about their life as musicians and what they hate the most, too.

  10. Ask them about the funniest situations in their lives so far. 

In fact, there are so many cool and interesting questions you can ask a band at the meet-and-greet. All you should focus on is to be yourself and don’t be a typical crazy fan screaming and talking only about their music, appearances, voices, etc. 

Life shows that famous people love being treated as normal folks. So, imagine they are just your mates, colleagues, or just people you know through some of your friends. You literally can behave as if you have known each other for ages; treat them like real people, so you will show them that YOU deserve to be treated like a real person by them, too.

Notwithstanding, the first impression and the entire meet-and-greet depends on the celebrity as well. For example, Taylor Swift’s identity is based on the idea that she’s everyone’s BFF. It means she makes all the meetings super easy-going and fun, turning off her superstardom. The same thing happens to 30 Seconds to Mars, as they always treat their fans as just friends. Hence, it’s like a mutual interaction: bands treat fans as friends, and you treat them as regular folks without overreacting. 


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